762 LYN, Woody Bay, October 2017

The 762 Club - Membership

2010 Application Form The 762 Club Ltd. - a registered charity - is based on membership of the company to provide the finance required to complete the design and construction. In addition, a list of items both large and small can be sponsored. This will enable our supporters to provide assistance and components and take part in the project.

The 762 Club has a reward scheme in recognition of members' contributions,and also offers opportunities to sponsor individual components. See the pages in the menu bar above.

Each membership costs £762.00, and there is a limit of 350 members. Launched at the end of January 2009, the LYN-ometer below shows how membership of The 762 Club is progressing:


347 fully paid3 subscriptions350 members
0 350 of 350 Membership Places (100.00%) Filled 350

By arrangement with HM Revenue and Customs, UK Taxpayers can allow the project to reclaim tax on their donations, further enhancing the funds by up to 25%.

For details of how you can join The 762 Club, simply Click on the image to the right, and provide your email address so we can provide you with further details.

Don't forget, if you are a UK Taxpayer and you complete the Giftaid declaration on the form, the project will be able to reclaim the tax you paid, at no extra cost to you! For more information on Gift Aid, see this page on the HMRC website.

Copyright © 2009 - 2019, The 762 Club Ltd.
Archived: 4 July 2019 - These pages are no longer maintained, and are retained for reference only

Company registered in England, No. 7401325 Registered office: 12 Culm Close, Bideford, EX39 4AX
Registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission for England & Wales under registration number 1139839